Welcome Message

This is an experiment. As I believe that the Lord has called me into the field of Christian apologetics, I decided that it was time to start flexing my mental muscles. The purpose of this blog is to answer questions about the Christian faith that you, my readers, send me. This goes for believers and non-believers alike. Please e-mail questions to beltoftruthblog@gmail.com. And remember, like I said at first, this is a bit of an experiment for me, so I make no guarantees about the time frame of posts. I hope everyone enjoys reading, and may the Lord be glorified!

Friday, August 24, 2012

The Ridiculousness of Ridiculousness

One thing that I'd like to point out that has bothered me for a while, and has recently come to my attention again is the tendency for skeptics to present a parody of the Christian faith as reason not to believe in it. As one friend of mine, an atheist, has said, "I don't believe in a magic man in the sky."

Well, you know what? Neither do I. Such a simplified parody of who the Christian believes God is; is indeed ridiculous. Such statement are meaningless rhetoric meant to make the other person feel stupid for believing such rubbish.

What brought this back to the surface recently was a comic strip, The Oatmeal by Matthew Inman, placing two "Christians" talking to each other about the ridiculousness of Scientology. The first "Christian" reads off a litany of absurd sounding beliefs that Scientologists supposedly believe (I say supposedly since I don't really know if such beliefs are true or not). Both "Christians" have a good laugh and then the second one proceeds to state, "Everyone knows what REALLY happened is an omnipotent father figure BUILT outer space and then put a garden on earth where a naked couple ate some fruit which was bad and then he had magic no-touchy sex with a virgin who gave birth to this bearded hippy guy who got killed until he came back to life as a zombie where he floats around teaching us all not to masturbate too much or we'll be sent to the earth's core and barbequed for all eternity!" (the above link will take you to the comic proper)

Oh, yeah...that's really what we Christians believe. *facepalm*

Look, skeptics...I know you don't think that there's any evidence for the truth claims of Christianity. But let's at least be willing to discuss it without resorting to twisting things into a caricature of reality.


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